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Course Information

Instructor: Inge Bruggeman and Ruth Rogers

Location: Berkeley, California

Mode: In-person

Dates: July 15–18, 2024

Tuition: $975.00


Creation and distribution of the contemporary artist book is flourishing on a global scale. From a vast range of media and subject matter, how does one develop the critical insights needed to maintain or build a collection of contemporary artists’ books? This course will explore creative approaches to harness the visual and communicative power of artists’ books, by integrating them into broader curricular objectives.

Class sessions will be held in local research collections where we will meet with librarians and faculty who acquire and teach with artists’ books. Additional programming will include guided hands-on analysis of selected books, with an emphasis on refining curatorial skills. We will share strategies for identifying artists’ books that fit into a cross-disciplinary educational mission, and how they relate to existing historical collections. Issues of content, production, access, collaboration, and course support will be covered. Guest speakers, specific venues, and readings are forthcoming. 

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